We, The People
A Monumental Flag
Let Us Together Make The Dream Of Namma National Flag In Marina, A Reality
250 Backers ✪ Rs. 14,00,000+ Raised
When We Asked Many What Was The One Thing They Associated With Patriotism, The Answer Was Unanimous!
"The National Flag"

Crowdfunding. For Namma Chennai. By Namma Chennai.
The Monumental Flag
We noticed talking to people that in the minds of many, the national flag is associated with words like bureaucracy, government offices - but never with the people that it represents.
We want this flag at the Marina to represent the citizens of the city and country - the same spirit that comes up time and time when adversity rises and steps up. We want this flag to represent the third pillar of democracy - BY THE PEOPLE.
We realize that installing monumental flag costs a lot.
But we want anyone who wants to be part of this to be able to contribute - as little as Rs. 10 (or as much as you can). This is something that we should be proudly be able to call "Namma Flag".
Note : Contributions to the Chennai Tricolor Initiative Trust are eligible for tax benefits under Section 80G.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the questions that we get asked frequently and we've compiled them together to help you understand our intentions. If you have any other specific questions, please free to shoot us an email at team@chennaitricolor.in or reach out to us on Facebook.
So, Why a Flag?
A flag is symbolic; symbolic of the vision that was paved for this country, and the city that we live in - a symbol of unity. Sometimes, as they say “Out of sight is out of mind”, and a flag is a great way to bring back the vision that was set when we set out to build this country into something great - one that we are proud of and leave behind for the generations to come.
What is in it for us? And for you?
To be part of something bigger than ourselves. Since this is volunteer led, what is in it for you is the same thing that is in it for us. perhaps the pride of being part of something like this as well.
Are any regional or national political parties involved?
No. But we are working with the Government on this effort.
Who is funding this project?
You. Me. All of us. This is a citizens' initiative and we would want to encourage anyone who is a citizen and proud of it, to be able to contribute in any way possible and as much as they can (10Rs is also okay). We are crowdfunding this initiative - as much as corporate sponsorship would have been an easy way, crowdfunding feels like the right way to do this.
How can I contribute?
Start with the Pledge. Then share and nudge more folks in your circle to be part of the movement. You can also contribute towards the initiative.
Why the Indian Flag and not some other flag?
The National Flag has history - of struggle, of values instilled that haven't been lived upto yet. It seems like a simpler task to unite us all under an existing vision, rather than a new one - which might be controversial and not go anywhere.
Is this a Nationalistic or Patriotic act?
We define nationalism as rules - someone else telling us what we should do and how we should behave. We see patriotism as our love and the display of it. This would be of the latter.
Why is this a Citizen’s effort? How do you expect it to stay so?
There is a charitable non-profit trust that has been setup for this effort - which is volunteer run and will always continue to be supported by the people.
How will the funds be managed?
The funds will be managed by the Charitable Trust that has been setup. At the end of the installation there would be complete accounts available for anyone to access on this very website.
Can I discontinue to support the cause if my views change at a later stage?
Yes, you can.
What do you hope to accomplish by doing this?
Perhaps a starting point, for all of us to see the bigger picture that we all contribute towards - the nation. A nation is a inheritance that we pass on to our kids and their kids and their kids. But very rarely do we think about and work towards preserving the best, or improving things like we do for the other material inheritances. We are hoping the flag would at the least, start that conversation and thought process.
Shouldn’t it be the Govt doing things like this?
They should and they would. But imagine if, a symbol that stands for the country, is owned by the people - in a true form of democracy.
How much does it cost? What are the cost heads?
We are working with one of the companies that has done most of the flag masts across the country - and have experience putting up the tallest one in the country as well. With the necessary structure to withstand the cyclones that Chennai sees from time to time, it will cost about 80 Lakhs.
How do you plan to pay for the maintenance of the Flag?
Maintenance is an ongoing cost and will be taken care of by the Trust. We plan to put together a corpus which will give interest that will pay for the ongoing maintenance.